Saturday, October 4, 2014

A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

...for a birthday party!  Ever since we met Daniel Tiger at the local library's story time a couple of months ago, my oldest daughter has been over-the-moon about him.  So when asked what kind of cake she wanted (upholding the family tradition of special birthday cake creations), she responded with a resounding, "Daniel Tiger!"
Now, my husband will attest to the fact that I get carried away with things a little too often.  When I have an idea I take it and run until the sidewalk ends.  For this party, with the cake as my starting point, I tried to reign myself in a little and I attempted to keep the things I did on the inexpensive side.

The cake was homemade, of course; here's the finished product.  E was able to identify it as Daniel Tiger, so I considered that a success.  :)
For the favors and decorations I went to the PBS website and found all kinds of great printables that made my life so much easier (and cheaper)!  I printed the Daniel Tiger Friends masks on card stock that I already had lying around at home, and Lowe's Home Improvement store provided me with the free paint stirring sticks that I taped to the back to complete the favors.
I didn't do a great job capturing pictures of the decorations I printed from the website, but you can see a few hanging in the pictures below.  I literally spent nothing on the favors and decorations, except whatever the paper and ink cost to print them out.  The balloons I had leftover from last year.

My favorite decoration, though, was the neighborhood trolley I created.  I posted a request for a large box on my neighborhood's Facebook page and luckily someone had just bought a deep-freezer.  It was perfect!  Not only that, but another neighbor had just finished a princess castle party and offered her castle...yes please!  So not only did they have Daniel's trolley to play in, but Prince Wednesday's castle too!  I had to purchase the red and yellow paint, and of course, put a little time into it, but it was so worth it!
With a few balloons blown up, and these two boxes, the kids were completely happy and kept themselves occupied the whole time!

E and her friends had a BLAST and my husband was definitely happy with the final bill.  ;)