- Dishelous = Delicious
- Patteren = pattern
- Smee me = Excuse me
- Uncle Dangle = Uncle Daniel
- Ah-loo = I love you
- Chick-a-monk = Chipmunk
- Agra = Grandma
- New Yorick = New York (She's almost seven and still does this one some times! So cute.)
- Blurries = blueberries (and any other berry for that matter)
- Check-up = Ketchup
- Some fruit = Give us this day our daily bread
- Elbow = Armpit
- Wockie = Rockne
- Nola = Granola
- Farkler = Sparkler
- Wondacks = Adirondacks
- La-loo = I love you
- Soom = Spoon (or fork)
- Coc-a-dot = coconut OR polka dots (depending on whether or not we're watching Moana)
- La-loo/Lub you = I love you
- Sfinkler = sprinkler
- Corn poop = Unicorn poop (thanks for that, Aunt Melinda!)
- Bang-gos = Mangos
- Chicken = steak, pork, chicken, meat
- Rondacks = Adirondacks
- We were driving past a manger scene this Christmas and we were all pointing out the different people, Mary, Jesus, Joseph, etc. Gabrielle joined in yelling, "Jo-shits! Jo-shits!"
- Dom-bows = Doubles/twins